Pamela Haglund, Senior Manager Operations and Analytics
What role does your software play in the HME market?
HAGLUND: Bflow Solutions Inc. is a health care technology company and the developer of bflow (Business Flow) business management software for HME companies. Our goal is to bring best practices utilized by the largest hospital networks to manage billing and A/R into a fully automated and easy-to-learn software package.
How do you help HME and other health care providers meet industry-wide challenges?
HAGLUND: Health care providers are also challenged with keeping up with the changes to the rules, updated policies and industry changes. Bflow strives not only to provide tools to accommodate these needs but to also be a resource and educational tool ensuring that our customers are always in the loop and are not caught off guard. Whether through providing informative material or educating providers on how to effectively and correctly bill for services and items given to the customer, bflow strives to be the number one resource for all aspects of our customers’ needs.