“This year’s Medtrade show in Atlanta was the first time for BFLOW™ Solutions, Inc. as an exhibitor, and it marks the beginning of a new tradition of being present to contribute knowledge to the DME community. We were pleased to find an atmosphere of excitement and hope of prosperity among the DME business owners in attendance.
Because we were new to the Medtrade scene, many visitors stopped by out of curiosity to see what products and services we had to offer. We experienced a steady flow of traffic and met many potential customers looking for cloud-based business management software like BFLOW™. We established new vendor relationships, raffled off $350 in cash gifts, met over 200 DME suppliers, conducted more than 50 demos of the BFLOW™ business management software, and have plenty of leads to follow up on between now and Medtrade Spring 2019 in Las Vegas. Medtrade was a huge success for us and the industry.” — Ted Jones, president and CEO, BFLOW Solutions, Inc., Fresno, California